Storm Of The Century, Nikita, Psi Factor, RoboCop & Big Hit 

Storm Of The Century

When I worked on Storm Christina was still doing a little extras work. I think Storm was her last gig as an extra. We both wound up working this production but never on the same day.


Like EFC, Nikita is long lived (Just wrapped a short while ago) and created a number of challenging projects.

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Psi Factor

Psi Factor asked us to do some weird stuff but the little robot was the one thing that got the most attention around the shop. We began to nick name it R2D2's cousin.


Ah yes. The task of creating a large solid object that will come apart on cue. This picture was taken before the metallic looking paint job was added.

Big Hit

Speaking of big things that go 'boom' on cue. The wall may have been 1/8 scale but it's a big project that only got blown up later.


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